Continue reading: Team Success Metrics

Team Success Metrics

Are we successful as a Team? Can we measure that? We look at 10+ areas of team success and how to measure them. Get inspired to choose the metric you need, right now, on your path to high-performing!

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Continue reading: Lägg ner utvecklingssamtalen – Agil HR i praktiken

Lägg ner utvecklingssamtalen – Agil HR i praktiken

Finns nu i bokform på Leanpub

Detta är den andra posten i en serie om agil HR “from the trenches”.

Del 1: Continuous investment
Del 2: Lägg ner utvecklingssamtalen
Del 3: Lön är rättvis ersättning – inte belöning
Del 4: Släng titlarna
Del 5: Ny kunskap – ett gemensamt ansvar, avsnitt 1
Del 6: Hitta rätt folk – släpp dem lös

Lägg ner utvecklingssamtalen

Första gången jag hörde någon på allvar utmana utvecklingssamtal var på ett seminarie med Jeff Sutherland (Scrums fader). Jag tror det var 2007 eller möjligen 2008. Jag hade då erfarenhet av att sitta i bägge ändarna av utvecklingssamtal.

Som medarbetare kunde jag inte minnas ett enda sådant utvecklingssamtal som verkligen varit meningsfullt. Några hade möjligen varit harmlösa och trevliga samtal, men åtminstone ett par av dem hade varit direkt demotiverande och framförallt minskat mitt förtroende för samtalspartnern: min chef.

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Continue reading: The Happiness metric and a few others

The Happiness metric and a few others

There’s a lot that could be said about metrics. I’m quite skeptical in general in the value metrics gives you in product development or running a department/organization. At the same time I feel that metrics could help you understand the health and status of your group/organization or project, and to know the effects the changes you implement have on the performance. During the years I have used a lot of different software metrics, both targeting the product development performance and the code and design quality. Most of them have been quite complex, and they have in reality given me little value or understanding of how things really are working.

But I have also used a few ones that I feel has helped me see things during product development, metrics that says something about the performance and also direct you to possible improvement areas. Below I briefly describe a few ones that I like.

  • The happiness and stress indexes tells you about the health of the team
  • The code duplication and test coverage tells you about the health of the code base
  • The release burn down and lead time tells you about the health of the project goal

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