Product leaders empower teams by giving them significant problems to solve

Why your teams aren’t really empowered (and how to fix It)

What actually empowers a team? Despite all the talk about empowered teams in tech, there’s often confusion about what real empowerment looks like.
At its core, an empowered product team is given significant customer or business problems to solve, rather than being handed features to build. But it’s not enough to simply assign problems – true empowerment requires the right environment to succeed.

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Continue reading: How to build the Right Thing

How to build the Right Thing

The software industry is going through a shift of mindset.

Agile basically solved the problem of how to deliver software. Most any company that applies an agile method and mindset can get working software out the door. Now, the biggest waste in software development seems to be building the wrong product, or the wrong features.

“There is surely nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency that which should not be done at all” -Peter Drucker

This insight has given rise to methods and techniques such as Lean Startup, Impact Mapping, Story Mapping, Feature Injection, etc. But is there a common denominator, a set of underlying principles?

On Feb 11, Gojko Adzic organized a full-day meetup in London with people deeply engaged in this issue, people like Jeff Patton, Mary Poppendieck, Ingrid Domingues, Chris Matts and others who have been inventing and spreading techniques for dealing with the how-to-build-the-right-stuff issue.

It was a very inspiring day! We compared our different approaches and experiences, extracted the core principles, and (to our surprise) managed to condense it into this shared message:

Great results happen when:
1. People know why they are doing their work.
2. Organizations focus on outcomes and impacts rather than features.
3. Teams decide what to do next based on immediate and direct feedback from the use of their work.
4. Everyone cares.

There. So now just go do it! 🙂
Actually, if you want a more detailed description of each point see Gojko’s post.

Posts from the other participants:

Full participant list (in no particular order): Gojko Adzic, Mary Poppendieck, Gabrielle Benefield, Tom Poppendieck, Gordon Weir, Henrik Kniberg, Jeff Patton, Ingrid Domingues, Karl Scotland, Russ Miles, Christian Hassa, Dulce Goncalves, Aaron Sanders, Shadi Almviken, Chris Matts, Olaf Lewitz and Matthias Edinger.

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Continue reading: Dealing with technical debt

Dealing with technical debt

Because of unclear definition of benefit of removing technical debt, PO and teams risk move into a standstill regarding activities to to remove it. This is counter productive, we should remove thresholds of quality improvement activities, not introduce them. So let’s look into a simple definition that can help out.

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