Last weeks have been busy!
- We ran the first Kanban training course i Stockholm with David Anderson. The training class got a 8.5 score average out of 10. I really enjoyed the skill and experience of the participants as well as David’s many "off topic" discussions.
Discussing at the whiteboard
- The first Limited WIP Society meeting arranged in Stockholm brought 50 people(!). Besides sharing kanban stories (and a beer or two..:) we managed to gather 20 people in playng the bottleneck game in the open space session. In the stories shared the simpleness of applying Kanban to an existing organisation was a common thread.
Playing the bottlneck game
Talks I have held,
- NFI – Från krav till system, Var är mitt krav? Följ det med Kanban (slides in swedish)
- ScanAgile 2009 – Getting Agile in system administration and operations
-> Great to meet some old finnish collegues!
Talks – upcoming
- Devopdays 2009, Belgium – Introducing Kanban in operations