Concept Cubes

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A while ago I was asked to help out create a checklist for a team, a checklist that could tell something about whether or not a user story was “good enough”. I opened PowerPoint and starting to ponder over how I could help. I immediately realized that a presentation would be boring, shown once and then forgotten, and not invite to curiosity. I put my laptop away and created a cube instead.

A couple of days later I showed it to a friend and colleague (Viktor Sessan, Agile Coach at Spotify), who were also very intrigued by the concept, and we started to talk about how to take this further.

This is the result 🙂 We believe that if you let an idea loose, and it is a good idea, great things will happen.

Concept Cubes is a simple tool that unleashes people’s creativity. You can create a teaching cube, a documentation cube, a product vision cube, or anything else! Try it out and pick up a cube, you’ll be surprised with the results.

On you can download uploaded cubes, print them out and put them together into a physical cube. You can also download a PowerPoint template if you want to create your own cube. If you do, please submit it so others can enjoy it.

So far there are three cubes:

The User Story Cube – The User Story Cube is a passive educational tool for the agile team and it’s product owner. It is designed to raise awareness of what to consider when working with user stories and covers thoughts on risks, definition of done, feasibility and more. (By Jimmy Janlén, Crisp)

Spotify’s “The limit WIP CUBE” – This Cube can help you if your workplace is suffering from too much going on, or too many fun initiatives running at the same time. The limit WIP Cube has concrete tips to reduce your WIP. Do yourself a favor and place this cube in meeting rooms, by the coffee machine and other places. (By Viktor Sessan, Spotify)

Agile Meeting Cube – Don’t know the purpose of all those agile meeting? Want to get more focus and ideas on how to run them and what outcome to expect? The Agile Meetings Cube comes to your help. Here you find agendas and tooltips for six classical agile or Scrum meetings, from release planning to retrospective. Have one laying around in every meeting room and experience the new energy. (By Peter Antman, Crisp)

Much learning! Much fun!

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