New book in the writing: Toolbox for the Agile Coach – Visualization Examples

Update: The book has since the publication of this blog been
made available for purchase at LeanPub.


A couple of weeks ago I published my new book ”Toolbox for the Agile Coach – Visualization Examples (How great teams visualize their work)” even though it’s still very much a work in progress.

I’ve made it public, thanks to persuasion from my colleague Hans Brattberg. I decided to try out Google Slides to make it easily accessible and to provide a simple way to give feedback. That turned out to be a great decision. The response has been overwhelming. There are at any given point 5-15 people reading the book, many of which provide great feedback, point out spelling correction and provides generous suggestion for more examples.


I’ve written 45 examples to this date. I have a total of 94 ideas so I’m almost halfway done. But the ideas keep on increasing so I don’t know the total number of examples yet. The goal is to have it ready for print in a few months.

The book is filled with visualization examples for teams to improve collaboration and communication, as well as shaping behaviours. These are only examples. Nothing else. No deep theoretical explanations. No references to Gamification. No discussion on how the brain interprets visual input or how our behaviours are influenced by visual information. There are other books written on those topics.

You are most welcome to join the fun! Many who have read it have found plenty of useful ideas that they already are trying out. Hopefully there are some ideas that trigger your inspiration in here as well 🙂



7 responses on “New book in the writing: Toolbox for the Agile Coach – Visualization Examples

  1. Thanks for sharing! I’ve been using the confidence smileys for some weeks now in our maintenance plan work.

  2. Hi Jimmy Jimmy, We are waiting with baited breath for the published works. Please let us know when we can (pay! and) get our hands on your publication.

    1. Hi Theo,

      I’m really sorry that it has taken ridiculously for the book to become available for purchase. But now there are packages on their way to the online book stores, so it should not be that long now. I will email you as soon as it’s available.

      Kind Regards

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