New book being written online – Facilitation tricks and techniques

Last time I wrote a book (Visualization Examples) I decided to do it publicly online. That was a fantastic experience, which I also wrote a blog post about. It was great fun and I got tons of valuable feedback.

Now I’ve started to write a new book and I’ve decided to have the same approach. It’s currently titled “Toolbox for the workshop facilitator – Facilitaion Tricks and Techniques (How to reach strong workshop outcome)“.

The book is far from finished and it might take me another year to finish it. But I still want to invite you to read it now and to help me make the book even better.

Excerpt from the introduction:
“Over the years I’ve facilitated several hundreds of workshops, meetings, educational sessions and courses. I’ve read books on facilitation and taken courses on how to become a better trainer. I’ve learned from peers and masters. I even recently started providing trainings in which I teach practical workshop facilitation skills. This book is me sharing back. Trying to compile what I’ve learned in a practical and pragmatic way.”

Here are some example pages…

You are most welcome to join the creative process! The top 20 contributors will receive a free printed copy of the book once it’s finished. Everyone else will get a free digital copy on LeanPub. 🙂

Just click this link and I will provide you access to the document.

9 responses on “New book being written online – Facilitation tricks and techniques

  1. Hey Jimmy, great initative! The first book was excellent, full of insightful tips, yet concise and crisp. Looking forward to exchanging about this one!

  2. the link doesn’t seem to work any more. Is there a new link where I can take a look?

    1. Hi Craig, Could you please try again. It seems to be working for me and I’ve gotten requests in the last few days so it should be working.
      Kind Regards/Jimmy

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