When do we succeed as a team? Can we measure that?
These questions invariably pop-up during a team’s lifetime, either raised by the team itself (how do we improve?), or my management (how do we see we’re better off now?). As a consultant, I’ve ended up in too many “we need to measure something” meetings, so I’ve started collecting different metrics and organizing them to try to bring clarity to these discussions. There’s more to do, but here is the result so far.
Some Team Success Metrics…
During the Crisp Day mini-conference I share different success metrics I’ve seen and used over the years; everything from mission and goals metrics, to discovery, delivery, DevOps and a plethora of Health metrics. Here is a short summary. You’ll find more details in the actual presentation (at the bottom of this post).

What to start with?
The problem quickly becomes “what to do with all these metrics”? Where to start? What’s the right metric for my team? Well, it (of course) depends on what you’re after: what outcomes you want to create using your metrics. Because, indeed, you want metrics to take decisions trying to improve things, not to pass along and report to someone else. For guidance on this topic, I really like Larry Maccherone’s ODIM (Outcome > Decision > Insight > Measure) framework to decide on what metrics to start with. Here is a short summary:

If you want to get deeper in to the subject, here’s my presentation (slides).
The actual session form Crisp Day 2021:
“To high-performance, and beyond!”.
Buzz Lightyear (?)