Continue reading: 7 Misconceptions about TDD

7 Misconceptions about TDD

Here are some common misconceptions about TDD. I call them “myths” here, for short.

If this feels like talking to the dentists about your teeth, you are not alone. When I talk about tests sometimes people gets embarrassed about their habits, “I know you’re right but …”.

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Continue reading: Slacker? No, hacker!

Slacker? No, hacker!

Last friday, I had the day off. Again.

Yes, there were some code!

This was just one of several days that I have had off, not counting weekends and vacations. So am I just a slacker that don’t work 5 five days a week? No, on the contrary! This makes me a better programmer. How? Read on.

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Continue reading: Write Legacy Code and Secure Your Job

Write Legacy Code and Secure Your Job

In this day and age with unstable economics, constant change in how to work with software, new languages and databases popping up from nowhere, it is important to cement yourself into your position at work.

Follow this guide and be sure of never being fired, no matter what.Continue reading