Index card generator

Many people use a spreadsheet to house their Scrum Product Backlog. That works quite fine. However, during sprint planning meetings it is usually much more effective to use physical index cards. See my book Scrum and XP from the Trenches for the reasoning behind this.

The latest version of the index card generator is available here.

The previous version is no longer available here. I can’t see any point of using that version any more, since it requires both Access and Excel. The latest version requires only Excel.

6 responses on “Index card generator

  1. Oh sorry, now I see what happened. I had the link to the old version still up. I’ve updated the link now so you can use the latest version instead. The latest version of the index card generator uses just Excel, no need for Access as well.

    Thanks for pointing out the broken link.

  2. Any chance you can share the old MS Access version, or at least provide some info? My planning authority is in MS Access, it would be nice to avoid trial and error in getting margins, column specifications and so forth correct for Avery 5388. Thanks!

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