Lean Study Tour 2009

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am right now in Japan with 4 colleagues from Crisp, a few consultants from BestBrains in Denmark, Mary & Tom Poppendieck, Gabrielle Benefield, and some other Lean & Agile enthusiasts. We are visiting Toyota and other interesting companies. It is especially interesting to look behind the scenes of less well-known areas such as how Toyota does software & product development.

Here is our running logbook with our agenda, notes from our daily Hansei (reflection) + links to related blog entries.

We will be adding raw info to this page as we go along.

UPDATE (2009-04-22): sorry, the above document is no longer public. The info there was too raw and subject to misinterpretation. I’ll add more info about the trip later.

UPDATE (2009-06-27): Here are some mindmaps summarizing key observations and learning points from the trip.

3 responses on “Lean Study Tour 2009

  1. >> PDCA may lead naturally to waterfall. Cost of mistakes in embedded is so high that waterfall might be way to decrease risk. Similar situation to Sony-Erickson.

    astonishing! isn´t it?

  2. This reencounter was very very nice.  ebata and kawaguti which I supported were pleased with that they were able to talk with you very much.

    I will see again.

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