There’s a Scala User Group in Gothenburg that had several meetings during this summer. In one of the meetings the group solved a Kata named KataRomanNumerals (A Kata is a small problem that you do over and over again to learn)
The KataRomanNumerals says you should write a function to convert from normal numbers to Roman Numerals: e.g.
1 –> I
10 –> X
7 –> VII
Unfortunately I could not attend at this meeting, so I had to do it on my own during a few summer nights when my family finally was asleep :-).
Here’s my solution:
object Program extends Application {
class RomanInt(number: Int) {
def toRomanString() = {
val ones = List(“”, “I”, “II”, “III”, “IV”, “V”, “VI”, “VII”, “VIII”, “IX”);
val tens = List(“”, “X”, “XX”, “XXX”, “XL”, “L”, “LX”, “LXX”, “LXXX”, “XC”);
val hundreds = List(“”, “C”, “CC”, “CCC”, “CD”, “D”, “DC”, “DCC”, “DCCC”, “CM”);
val thousands = List(“”, “M”, “MM”, “MMM”);
thousands(part(1000)) + hundreds(part(100)) + tens(part(10)) + ones(part(1))
def part(digit: Int) = {
number % (digit * 10) / digit
implicit def Int2RomanInt(number: Int) = new RomanInt(number)
println(154.toRomanString()) // prints ‘CLVIII’
Here’s the code with better formatting.
Please comment and correct if I didn’t write idomatic Scala or if you have suggestions for improvements.
When scala can figure out the return type you don’t need to specify one. So, in your case you can skip the “:String”, “:Int” and “: RomanInt” from you def’s.
Thank you!
OK, removed. So it got a bit less verbose, but did it really add readability or did it get harder to understand?
And by the way, I know you have solvd the same problem, where’s your code?
Per your example, if I “println(154.toRomanString())” I had better not get ‘CLVIII’