New Jimmy Cards in the making – Blue and Black Deck

Note: Access to Google Docs and Feedback has been disabled.

Back in 2013 I created a deck of cards with questions for the agile team, called “Jimmy Cards”. The questions on the cards were designed to ignite exciting discussion for teams to get to know each other and grow as a team.

I’ve received so much great feedback and appreciation over the years since. This feedback inspired me to create two more decks, the Black Deck and the Blue Deck. The Black Deck is for mature agile teams. The Blue Deck for leadership teams.

These have been in the working for over a year now but now I feel it’s time I wrap up my work and print them. I’m however not confident on the level of quality just yet, so this blog is a plead for help.

Black and Blue Deck

The new decks

The current Jimmy Cards (the Red Deck) are targeted for newly formed teams. If you are familiar with Tuckman’s Team Development Model they are target for teams in the Forming or Norming stage. You can read more about how to use the cards here, in this blog post, or buy a deck here.

The new Black Deck is targeted for mature teams in the Norming or Performing stage. The questions assume there already is a high level of trust. They cut deeper and bring up more tricky topics around collaboration and trust.

The other new deck, the Blue Deck, contains questions meant to spur exciting discussion in leadership teams. A leadership team could for example be the team of managers of a department, or the team of close active leaders surrounding an agile team. Huge thanks to my collegue Per Lundholm for collaborating on the inital set of questions for the Blue Deck!


My ask – Try them out and provide feedback

I would love for you to download and print the cards! Try them out and return with your feedback. Both decks feel unfinished to me. I need help picking the best questions, sharpening the wording and to remove the boring questions.

I’ve created two Google Slides presentations, one for the Blue Deck and one for the Black Deck. These will be available until the deck is finished and printed (i.e. probably until August – September 2017). To get a printed copy for free of the decks all you need to do is to provide feedback and suggestions by filling out a survey. Neat, right? 🙂

Click the image of the deck below to get access to the deck. Click “Provide feedback” below the image to provide feedback.


Blue deck - Back   Black deck - Back
      Provide Feedback on Blue Deck                           Provide Feedback on Black Deck


The feedback you will be asked for is:

  • Your overall impression
  • Your top 10 favourite questions
  • Questions you think could be removed from the deck
  • Comments in the Google Slides document (spelling, grammar, wording, etc.)
  • If you have any suggestions of your own for additional questions.

Once the decks are finished and printed I will send out free copies to everyone who provided feedback (and stated a shipment address).

Hope you all enjoy the new decks and that many of you find the time to provide feedback and help me finish them 🙂


What does Twitter say about Jimmy Cards?

While writing this post a searched my Twitter feed for some feedback and found the following tweets. Made me happy to read people’s posts so I thought I would share some of the tweets here.

Twitter 1  Twitter 3 Twitter 4 Twitter 5Twitter 2

11 responses on “New Jimmy Cards in the making – Blue and Black Deck

    1. By the end of May I will summarize all feedback, select the best cards and ship it off for printing.
      The Blue cards are on their way 😀

  1. Can’t wait to start using these.
    I have used the originals and create a set specific to the teams and projects I work on.
    Great Stuff

  2. Great job Man!
    I would give extended feedback in 2 weeks.
    Gonna have workshop and will try them on a fresh team 🙂
    Once again – great job

  3. Looking forward to getting my hands on these, have been using original Jimmy’s for a while now in a variety is situations. Always provokes quality chatter.

    1. Hi Wiktor, sadly I can’t provide you with a date. But I’ve processed all feedback and selected the questions I want to include a deck. What’s left is printing and setting up a new distribution channel. Don’t know when this will be ready though :-/

  4. Wow, that black deck is excellent and really gets to the tough questions. I also can see them working well in 1-1 coaching sessions, as well as personal soul searching time. Definitely for mature teams, as you say, a high level of trust would need to be present to get honest and full responses.

    I missed the blue deck, but looking forward to seeing it when you are ready to republish.

    Tack Jimmy!

  5. Hello Jimmy,

    Good job and nice games 😉 What about to create a deck for managers ?
    you could have some questions like :
    What did you do yesterday to help a team ?
    What do you do to motivate the teams ?
    What do you do to make the teams growing ?
    How many comittees do you have in your calendar ?
    How much time do you spent in meeting each week ?
    When was the last time where you get bored in a meeting ?
    Have you got a recurrent meeting with ROTI < 2 ?
    When did you do someting that you could delegate to a team ?
    When was the last time you take a decision that you could delegate to the teams ?

    1. Hi Alexandre,

      I’ve actually consider the blue deck a deck for managers. I will soon make it available again in some format. But I thank you for your suggestions! Good questions!

      Kind Regards

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