Interview with Dave Snowden, “What´s next for agile”

I had the opportunity to make an interview with Dave Snowden as he visited Crisp for his latest Master Class end of November, titled “What´s next for agile”. We explored the topic of What´s next for agile, new updates to the Cynefin model, now called Cynefin liminal. Check out the video below to of my interview with Dave (14 min).

Agile is increasingly becoming commodified and what are the opportunity for smaller Agile companies and anyone believing in the original Agile movement? (0:20).  h “The key now is to produce new high energy efficient, radical, high value, innovations around the core of what Agile has become”

Next Dave talks about the new updated version of the Cynefin model (3:50). There is a new version of Cynefin, called Liminal Cynefin, that has some new very useful transitional states. There is one new liminal domain in the complex were something is about to become complex and this is where Scrum lives. And there is also a new liminal domain into the chaos domain where you have the deliberate destruction of constraints to create innovation and using the wisdom of the crowds.

Learn how that being successful in a past paradigm can be your biggest pitfall in a new paradigm when the ecosystems changes (6:10). Commodification is an indicator that you need to introduce novelty if you are not going to miss adapting to a new field. Changing in complex adaptive systems requires focussing on system changes, interactions and contexts and not individuals.

In complexity context is everything and Agile methods have become ideologies (8:40). Methods are all contextual. It is not Scrum or Kanban. Every method is useful in their own context.

And finally, we explored some very important and interesting work Dave does in the community using complexity theory and methods (9:50). One project he is now working with is having kids being ethnographers in their own communities and thereby being able to support positive change.

Dave is returning to Stockholm for a new Master Class at Crisp October 23-24 and then for a keynote at the yearly Agile People Sweden Conference October 25-26th. Drop me an e-mail if you want to be notified of when sign-up pages are available at

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