Agile Everywhere – slides from my keynote at Lean Forum

Here are the slides from my keynote “Agile Everywhere” at Lean Forum, Gothenburg.

Great conference, great atmosphere! Very inspiring to hang out with a bunch of super-experienced practitioners. I love conferences where it’s clear that everyone is there to learn and spread knowledge. It’s funny though, in lean circles like this I’m often known as the Agile Guy, while in agile circles I’m often known as the Lean Guy 🙂

Here are some sample pics.




13 responses on “Agile Everywhere – slides from my keynote at Lean Forum

  1. Tack för din förelĂ€sning! Jag tar framför allt med mig exemplet nĂ€r du och dina barn stĂ€llde upp i robottĂ€vlingen, vĂ€ldigt inspirerande. Vi kan inte vara rĂ€dda för att misslyckas om det vi gör ska kunna bli riktigt bra och med rĂ€tt instĂ€llning kan man komma lĂ„ngt. 🙂

  2. Excellent presentation and some great ideas and concepts here. Can you provide an example of a real world scenario where some of this has been applied and yielded positive results? The biggest challenge with these concepts is convincing companies to do things differently.

  3. This looks to have been an extremely innovative presentation. I enjoyed your insight and examples of utilising lean and agile in conjunction with each other. This does seem a process that if implemented correctly can address such a broad spectrum of issues both in terms of business and global concerns.

  4. Looks like a great presentation. Knowing the words spoken to it or, even better, a video of the talk would be great!

  5. This presentation is just terrific and very easy to understand!!! Thanks a lot for making this presentation!

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