Henrik Kniberg

Continue reading: 10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP

10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP

Here are the slides for my presentation 10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP. The slides are (as usual) mostly pictures and few words so they may be a bit confusing if you weren’t at the presentation :o)

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Continue reading: Agile Afternoon

Agile Afternoon

For those of you who were at the Crisp Agile Afternoon, the slides are now available here.

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Continue reading: Scrum and XP fit together

Scrum and XP fit together

Most people in the industry seem to agree that Scrum and XP complement each other.

2nd Annual State of Agile Development Survey shows the following statistics for Scrum & XP adoption:

  • Scrum: 37%
  • Scrum + XP: 23%
  • XP: 12%

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Continue reading: Planning Poker webshop

Planning Poker webshop

   Now you can finally order planning poker decks from our site :o)

Planning Poker Deck

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Continue reading: JAOO tutorial slides

JAOO tutorial slides

For those of you who attended my Scrum & XP tutorial at the JAOO conference, here are the slides: http://www.crisp.se/henrik.kniberg/presentations/JAOO-2007-Henrik-Kniberg.pdf Thanks for attending, hope you had a good time! Despite my piano playing (how can I resist a grand piano standing in the corner of the room :o) I thought the attendance would be like

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Continue reading: ScruML


Doesn’t the world need another modelling language? :o)

ScruML stands for "Scrum Modelling Language". Like UML, but domain specific and not as strict and… um… well maybe not that much like UML after all.
Exampel 1
Read on for more….

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Continue reading: Scrum and XP from the Trenches – printed version available on InfoQ

Scrum and XP from the Trenches – printed version available on InfoQ

Scrum and XP from the Trenches is now available on InfoQ, with forwards by Mike Cohn and Jeff Sutherland :o) The printed version costs $22.95, the online version is free but requires registration on InfoQ. My older PDF version is hereby deprecated, so if you have any links please update to the InfoQ version! http://www.infoq.com/minibooks/scrum-xp-from-the-trenches

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Continue reading: Planning Poker

Planning Poker

I’ve written up a page with a pretty graphical summary of what Planning Poker is. http://www.crisp.se/planningpoker/

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Continue reading: Manifest for the Agile Tester

Manifest for the Agile Tester

I recently spoke at a conference for testers arranged by SAST (Swedish Association of Software Testers) on the topic of Agile software development. Over 150 testers turned up, breaking all previous records for that association! I’m glad to see that you testers are interested in this stuff!

Anyway, trying to figure out a good opening statement for this conference I found the following angle that I’m pretty happy with afterwards, in a smug sort of way :o)

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Continue reading: Index card generator

Index card generator

For those of you that do Scrum, here’s a simple tool that generates printable index cards in A5 format directly from your Excel-based product backlog.

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Continue reading: Scrum and XP from the Trenches – version 2.0

Scrum and XP from the Trenches – version 2.0

I finally found time to create version 2.0 of "Scrum and XP from the Trenches" :o) No revolutionary changes. Just wanted to clarify some chapters, add some missing info, and add some new knowledge gained since the first version. Added a chapter on planning poker. Added a chapter on how the team decides which stories

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Continue reading: Pair programming

Pair programming

At Crisp we take Pair Programming very seriously…

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Continue reading: Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Scrum and XP from the Trenches

I’ve written a paper for those of you that are interested in agile software development:

Scrum and XP from the TrenchesHow we do Scrum

It describes lessons learned after a year of experimentation with a 40-person development team.

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