Henrik Kniberg

Continue reading: Introduction to Lean Software Development

Introduction to Lean Software Development

Here are the slides from my presentation "Vadå Lean Software Development" (Introduction to Lean Software Development) at HiQ on Oct 13. Note – the picture above (the last slide in my deck) can easily be misinterpreted when used out of context. It is not meant to imply that XP is a subset of Scrum, or

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Continue reading: Multi-team sprint planning

Multi-team sprint planning

Here are the slides from my session Multi-team sprint planning. The session took place at the Scrum Forum meeting in Aarhus on Oct 1, in conjunction with the JAOO 2008 conference.

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Continue reading: What’s hard about being an agile developer?

What’s hard about being an agile developer?

"Simple" is a word often used in agile software development. Terms like YAGNI and "do the simplest thing that can possibly work". It is easy to forget, however, that Simple is often Hard! So what’s hard about becoming an agile software developer, where are the bumps in the ride? In this talk I went through

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Continue reading: Swedish hospital goes lean

Swedish hospital goes lean

This article on DN (major Swedish newspaper) caught my attention this morning:


The title of the article is "Waiting times at Huddinge halved with new process".

We spend a lot of time helping IT companies understand how to use Lean principles to increase the speed and quality of their product development. It’s interesting to see how the same techniques are applied in totally different domains – in this case the intensive care unit at a hospital.

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Continue reading: Video recording of “10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP”

Video recording of “10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP”

Here is InfoQ’s video recording of my 90 minute session "10 ways to Screw up with Scrum and XP" at Agile 2008 in Toronto. And here are the slides too. Too bad the slide animations and the audience participation doesn’t show up, and that you mostly see the back of my head (the camera was

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Continue reading: Crisp mystery partially solved

Crisp mystery partially solved

One of the ancient mysteries of science is why toasted bread is less filling to eat than non-toasted bread.  A revolutionary scientific breakthrough was made this evening bringing us closer to the Answer,

Crisp mystery

See below for the full report.

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Continue reading: Muzik Masti

Muzik Masti

At the Agile 2008 conference I was heavily involved in organizing and facilitating the Muzik Masti stage – a fully rigged music stage where people could jam together. It was a wild experiment but worked out really well! People jammed every evening and the final banquet party was a blast :o) Hmmm…. do I need

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Continue reading: Bootstrapping Scrum and XP in a crisis – Toronto 2008

Bootstrapping Scrum and XP in a crisis – Toronto 2008

Here are the slides from my session "Bootstrapping Scrum and XP in a crisis" at Agile 2008 in Toronto.

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Continue reading: Technical Debt – How not to ignore it – Toronto 2008

Technical Debt – How not to ignore it – Toronto 2008

Here are the slides from my session “Technical Debt – how not to ignore it” at Agile 2008 in Toronto. Translations: Portuguese (thanks Demetrius Nunes)

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Continue reading: 10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP – Toronto 2008

10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP – Toronto 2008

Here are the slides from my session “10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP” at Agile 2008 in Toronto. Glad that so many of you participated :o) Translations: Brazilian Portuguese (thanks Demetrius Nunes)

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Continue reading: Deep Lean with Mary Poppendieck and Jeff Sutherland

Deep Lean with Mary Poppendieck and Jeff Sutherland

If you’re in Stockholm Sep 25-26 you might be interested in Deep Lean. It’s a 2 day in-depth course on Lean & Agile & Scrum (see the course agenda). The teachers are Mary and Tom Poppendieck, Jeff Sutherland, and myself. Mary and Tom coined the term Lean Software Development and Jeff invented Scrum (the most

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Continue reading: Agile BBQ

Agile BBQ

The concept of backlogs and taskboards and self-organizing teams is useful in many domains :o) We had Ron & Chet over for BBQ in conjunction with a TDD training session in Stockholm. A great excuse to try an Agile BBQ! With 30 or so guests this saved me a lot of work as host. Just

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Continue reading: Japanese version of Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Japanese version of Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Here’s a Japanese translation of my book Scrum and XP from the Trenches. Thanks Shoichi Goto! A Spanish version of the book is also available. Korean, Portuguese, German, Chinese, French, and Slovak translations are underway. I’m impressed by the agile community! All translations will soon be listed on InfoQ. Feel free to email me (henrik.kniberg

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Continue reading: Chinese version of Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Chinese version of Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Here’s a Chinese translation of my book Scrum and XP from the Trenches. Thanks Jacky Li! A Spanish and Japanese version of the book is also available. Korean, Portuguese, German, French, and Slovak translations are underway. I’m impressed by the agile community! All translations will soon be listed on InfoQ. Feel free to email me

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Continue reading: Spanish version of Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Spanish version of Scrum and XP from the Trenches

Here’s a draft version of the Spanish translation of my book Scrum and XP from the Trenches. Good work Ángel Medinilla! Chinese, Korean, German, and Japanese translations are underway, I’ll let you know when they are done. UPDATE (June 10): Within 1 day of publishing this blog entry I received an offer to translate the

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Continue reading: 10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP

10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP

Here are the slides from my session "10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP", from the JavaForum conference in Malmö. I’ve done this session at other conferences, but updated the slides a little bit each time. Interesting that so many people like to hear about how to get it all wrong :o)

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Continue reading: Agile version control with multiple teams

Agile version control with multiple teams

Here’s a paper describing a strategy for version control with multiple teams in an agile environment. It is hosted on InfoQ. Enjoy! Online version (best for reading read on screen) PDF version (best for printing) Single-page summary in print-friendly format.

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Continue reading: Best speaker award again :o)

Best speaker award again :o)

Cool, I won another best speaker award :o) This time at the JFokus conference in Stockholm.

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Continue reading: Scrum checklist

Scrum checklist

NOTE – this checklist is deprecated. The latest version is here.

Here’s a first draft of a simple checklist for those of you that are doing Scrum (or believe so…).

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Continue reading: 10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP

10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP

Here are the slides from my session "10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP", from the JFokus conference in Stockholm.

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Continue reading: How to catch up on test automation

How to catch up on test automation

Many companies with existing legacy code bases bump into a huge impediment when they want to get agile: lack of test automation.

This article illustrates how to address this problem by creating a test automation backlog and implementing a few tests each sprint.

Test case Risk
Manual test cost
Automation cost
(story points)
Block account high 5 hrs 0.5 sp
Validate transfer high 3 hrs 5 sp
See transaction history medium 3 hrs 1 sp
Sort query results medium 2 hrs 8 sp
Deposit cash high 1.5 hr 1 sp
Security alert high 1 hr 13 sp
Add new user low 0.5 hr 3 sp
Change skin low 0.5 hr 20 sp
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Continue reading: Scrum success stories

Scrum success stories

As I mentioned in Failing with Scrum, Scrum is no silver bullet. It doesn’t guarantee success, but it improves the odds.

Over the past few years I’ve been involved in dozens of Scrum projects, directly or indirectly. Interestingly enough, every single case that I can remember has been successful (maybe I just have selective memory…)! The client has been happy with the process and wants to continue using Scrum in future projects.

Here are some thoughts and conclusions about that.

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Continue reading: Failing with Scrum

Failing with Scrum

There are plenty of Scrum success stories out there, but not so many failure stories. That gives rise to a healthy scepticism. Where are the failure stories? Obviously there must be failures! Or?

Here’s a "failure" story and some thoughts on what it means to fail with Scrum.

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Continue reading: Scrum for game development

Scrum for game development

I’ve spent quite a lot of time helping gaming companies get agile over the past few years. This article on Scrum and long term planning for video games has some really nice insights and reflections on this! A good summary of some of the industry-specific issues, and patterns for how to address these issues. Recommended

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Continue reading: Index card generator – version 2!

Index card generator – version 2!

Many people use a spreadsheet to house their Scrum Product Backlog. That works quite fine. However, during sprint planning meetings it is usually much more effective to use physical index cards. See my book Scrum and XP from the Trenches for the reasoning behind this. Here’s a simple tool that generates printable index cards in

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Continue reading: Scrum and XP from the Trenches – now on Amazon

Scrum and XP from the Trenches – now on Amazon

Scrum and XP from the Trenches is now listed on Amazon.com. (as well as on InfoQ). If you liked the book then go submit a review on Amazon :o)

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Continue reading: Best Speaker award :o)

Best Speaker award :o)

Cool, I was awarded Best Speaker at the Bits & Chips conference in The Netherlands :o) Never would have expected that, considering there were more than 50 other speakers! I did a brief talk about "Bootstrapping Scrum and XP", with an audience of about 150 people. Decided to open with 15 minutes of  "The fastest

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Continue reading: The Manager’s Role in Scrum

The Manager’s Role in Scrum

Here are the slides from my Scrum Gathering presentation “The Managers Role In Scrum“. The pictures will make most sense if you were at the presentation :o) Slides in powerpoint format Slides in PDF format

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Continue reading: Agile toolkit

Agile toolkit

An agile coach should never leave home without his Agile Toolkit! Mine is much sloppier. The pretty one above belongs to my co-coach David Barnholdt.

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Continue reading: Scrum – what’s in it for me?

Scrum – what’s in it for me?

To those of you that were at my presentation at JavaForum today, here are the slides for Scrum – what’s in it for me (in Swedish). Enjoy!

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