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from the Crisp Consultants

Interview with Lyssa Adkins

Hear Lyssa Adkins, author of the legendary book “Coaching Agile Teams”, talk about complexity and the importance for leaders to upgrade, downgrade and expand. A short summary of the interview Lyssa Adkins, an experienced Agile coach, has shifted her focus to leadership development and effective leadership team functioning. In the interview, she discusses adapting to

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Continue reading: Sonja Blignaut – Leading in Complexity by Curating Context

Sonja Blignaut – Leading in Complexity by Curating Context

Throughout the Leading Complexity program, we have had the opportunity to learn from the best thinkers in leadership and complexity. One of them Sonja Blignaut. As a meteorologist, she has a fascinating natural sciences background, giving her a unique perspective on human systems. In her session, she shared some of her latest thinking, which she

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WhoDunit – AI game development on steroids

(Here is a video version of this article) I made a little game called WhoDunit, a detective roleplaying game. Feel free to try it at This started as an experiment in how far I could go with AI in game development. In fact, the game is entirely based on AI and would not be

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Marty Cagan and Leading with Context not Control

Summary of Marty Cagan’s session in the Leading Complexity Program 2022. Marty Cagan, a renowned product management expert, and author, is another eye-opener Leading Complexity keynote speaker. In his session, he shares his insights on the importance of first principles, thinking, talking, and coaching in the product development process.  Drawing from examples of successful companies,

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Interview with Kent Beck

In this year’s edition of the Leading Complexity program, we are privileged to welcome Kent Beck, the mastermind behind eXtreme Programming and a distinguished signatory of the Agile Manifesto. Dive into our interview with Kent as he shares insights on navigating complexity and offers invaluable guidance on addressing it. Summary of the video below The

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Continue reading: Stephen Bungay and the Art of Leadership

Stephen Bungay and the Art of Leadership

Summary of Stephen Bungay’s session in the Leading Complexity Program 2022. Leadership and direction setting are essential components of any successful business strategy. One of the very best thought leaders on business strategy that is well familiar to Crisp is one of last year’s Leading Complexity keynote speakers Stephen Bungay. Not only is he an

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The impact of value creation using AI

Over the past year, there have been significant advancements in the field of AI, leading to an increased interest in working with AI technologies. Videos and posts showcasing AI’s ability to create perfect images, respond intelligently to questions, or speak like a human being have spread widely. But amidst all this novelty, it’s worth pausing

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Interview with Dr. Annika Steiber about complexity

In our upcoming Leading Complexity program this fall, we are honored to host Dr. Annika Steiber as a speaker. With years of dedicated research into the success stories of Silicon Valley companies, Annika has delved deep into the common managerial models that drive their achievements. I recently had an enlightening conversation with Annika, gaining insights

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Continue reading: Summary of Lisa Gill’s session in the Leading Complexity Program 2022

Summary of Lisa Gill’s session in the Leading Complexity Program 2022

The Transformative Power of Conscious Leadership Lisa Gill, renowned coach, and organizational consultant, is the next keynote speaker of the Leading Complexity series. In her intervention, she provides a deep dive into the challenges of contemporary leadership and the inner shifts needed for new ways of working to work. Drawing from her wealth of experience,

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Continue reading: Teresa Torres about complexity and her session

Teresa Torres about complexity and her session

We are fortunate to be able to present Teresa Torres as one of the speakers in this years program. Here is a short video of her talking about complexity and her upcoming session. Hi everyone, I am Teresa Torres. I work as a product Discovery coach. That means that I help digital product teams make

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Interview with Peter Senge about complexity

We had the privilege of getting a short chat with the number one system thinker in the world, Peter Senge. Sorry for the background noise. If you want to hear more of him, please join the Leading Complexity program. Hello Peter. For those that don’t know you, who are you? Seems like a simple question

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Continue reading: Summary of Johanna Rothman’s session, about the Modern Management Principles, in the Leading Complexity program 2022

Summary of Johanna Rothman’s session, about the Modern Management Principles, in the Leading Complexity program 2022

Modern management is about positioning yourself to take advantage of complexity. Managers deal with complexity all the time, and management complexity is different from what the teams encounter. In this keynote, our speaker, Johanna Rothman, explores 4 big ideas to adopt modern management practices: define “why” for the organization, create management teams, shorten feedback loops,

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Continue reading: Create Your Personalized Dynamic Tutorial with ChatGPT-4

Create Your Personalized Dynamic Tutorial with ChatGPT-4

A Quick and Easy Guide No longer do you need to read static tutorials online! With ChatGPT-4, you can create your own dynamic, personalized tutorial in no time. It’s like sitting next to an expert in the field who answers all your questions as soon as they arise! The Initial Prompt To get the chat

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Continue reading: Are developers needed in the Age of AI?

Are developers needed in the Age of AI?

I hesitate a bit to write about this, feels like I’m just jumping on the AI hype train. But something REALLY important is going on, and I want to talk about it. I remember a friend telling me how AI was making incredible progress and might actually make human programming obsolete. I really thought it

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Continue reading: Summary of Dave Snowden’s session in the Leading Complexity program 2022

Summary of Dave Snowden’s session in the Leading Complexity program 2022

Dave Snowden, a prominent speaker, delivered a captivating presentation during the 2022 edition of the Leading Complexity program. Here, we present a concise summary of his insightful discourse. To witness his exceptional performance firsthand, we encourage you to participate in this year’s program, granting you access to a wealth of videos from the remarkable 2022

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Continue reading: Supportärenden vs sprintar

Supportärenden vs sprintar

Vi funderar kring hur man ska lägga upp tidsallokering rörande support ärenden i sprintar? En fråga från en kursdeltagare på vår senaste CSPO kurs. Här kommer några snabbt svar. Fokus vs snabbt och lyhört Vi vill ha fokus i sprinten, så att alla jobbar tillsammans mot ett gemensamt mål. Samtidigt vill vi inte låta omvärlden (kunder,

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Interview with Doug Kirkpatrick

M: Hi, Doug. Great to have you in the Leading Complexity program for the fall. You have been a guest with Crisp before, but for those who don´t know you, who are you? D: Thanks, Michael. I am Doug Kirkpatrick. I helped start Morningstar over 30 years ago here in Northern California. Morningstar organized around

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Continue reading: Interview with Jennifer Garvey Berger

Interview with Jennifer Garvey Berger

Michael: Hello Jennifer, we are so happy to have you in the second season of Leading Complexity! So for those who don’t know you, can you just briefly tell us who you are? Jennifer: Sure, Michael, I’m delighted to be with you for this program. Yeah, so I’m Jennifer Garvey Berger, and I have spent

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How to transform to Empowered Product Teams – FAQ #1

Q: How can we get better at throwing away ideas that our teams have already started to develop, but do not see market traction from? In our organization we often miss out on the discovery part of building products. We often have a sense of urgency to get on with it and start to develop

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How to do Great Pull Requests

Don’t. Don’t do Pull Requests. But if you have to, continue reading. Have you ever been ambushed by a Pull Request? It’s happened a lot to me. There’s a Pull Request on some software that you and your team are responsible for, and before you start reading all the changes, you’ve no idea what it

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Continue reading: The Easy Guide to Quick Agile Transformations™ or How to Get Rid of Half of Your Problems

The Easy Guide to Quick Agile Transformations™ or How to Get Rid of Half of Your Problems

Agile transformations can be very laborious and expensive in terms of time and money. What if I told you that you can short-circuit the process and perform your transformation in the blink of an eye?  Did I get your attention? Keep reading. Agile transformations are simple, so I can think of only three reasons for

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Summary of Joe Justice’s session, about Tesla’s “Agile DNA”, in the Leading Complexity program 2022

Tesla. We’ve all heard of this innovative brand changing the automotive industry in the last decade. But how can one run a company that’s at the forefront of technological progress?  To help us understand this and more, we asked Joe Justice to be part of the Leading Complexity program. In short, this is what he

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Summary of Henrik Kniberg’s session, about his thoughts On The Spotify Model, in the Leading Complexity program 2022

The Spotify Model. You have probably heard the term. But how did it come to life? How did it become a “thing”? What are the principles behind it? What happens when companies copy it? Should you copy it? To kick off this series of summaries of the Leading Complexity program, we focus on Henrik Kniberg’s

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Continue reading: Leadership as an investment in the digital age (slides)

Leadership as an investment in the digital age (slides)

I had the pleasure to run a presentation for company leaders @ Åland on Leadership in the digital age. In the presentation : I want to credit to Roland Granlund for showing me and living – Leadership as an investment. Download the slides here.

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Refinement – preparations for big room planning

If you are running some kind of big room planning pulse, the preparation you put in is half the success. The last thing you want to do is to round up 10 senior team members and turn up with a feature described solely by a one-liner “next gen product”. Scenario Before I go into details

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Continue reading: Sneak peek of the Holistic Product Discovery book: “Building the wrong product”

Sneak peek of the Holistic Product Discovery book: “Building the wrong product”

The following is an excerpt from the recently released book by Martin Christensen and me titled Holistic Product Discovery. It’s been a 3-year journey that started with a 20-page draft. Numerous iterations later, here we are. Thank you to the fantastic community of readers for your invaluable feedback. Let’s begin. A story about a product

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Are distributed teams the new normal? Slides from my Agile Turkey talk.

Here are the slides for my Agile Turkey summit talk “Are distributed teams the new normal?”. Might write an article about this, the topic feels very relevant these days 🙂 Some sample slides:

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An intro to Holistic Product Discovery

This week I presented the Holistic Product Discovery framework at an Airtime webinar hosted by its CEO Akos Kiss-Dozsai. Here are some concepts that I went through: Some uncomfortable statistics relating to product development Principles that could help you in Product Discovery The Holistic Product Discovery framework A risk mapping technique to kick off Product

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Advice to become ready for a transformation

How to prepare and align as a leadership team for a major change in your organization

You are a senior leader in your organization, and you are facing some challenges. You have had that slow hunch for some time now that there are plenty of things that are just not right. Things beyond just individual isolated problems. People in your organization often bring up small things that should be looked at because they seem to be connected to plenty of recurring friction points in several places that hold people back.

You have also come to realize that there are a few big things we have to change to really tap into our potential. If we don’t, our goals may never come within reach. Maybe even worse, we may risk losing ground.

You feel you share this view with some of your colleagues on your senior leadership team. But you are not certain to what extent they see what you see and how they would explain what needs to change.

You want to take the initiative, but you are not sure about how.

How do we know if we are ready to start a major change effort, and what do we need to do to get there if more work is needed?

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Continue reading: Interview with Stephen Bungay about Leading Complexity

Interview with Stephen Bungay about Leading Complexity

Watch the video on our LinkedIn page. Hello Stephen Bungay. How nice to have you in the Leading Complexity program. For those who don’t know you, who are you? When I started my business career in the early 1990s at the Boston Consulting Group, I spent close to 20 years there. End then I left

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