Continue reading: Canned Wicket Examples Updated to Wicket 6

Canned Wicket Examples Updated to Wicket 6

Today I decided to update my canned wicket test examples to the latest version of Wicket.

I still think Wicket is a really nice web framework for the following reasons, primarly.

  1. Hot deploy from the Maven archetype. The quick start setup offered from the Wicket site gives you “change-and-reload” out of the box.
  2. Unit testing framework built in. You test the logic of the web application without resorting to click simulation.
  3. HTML separation. Allows you to work in a tight loop with an interaction designer that can use any HTML editor.
  4. No need for JavaScript. Well, for the basic stuff at least. The examples here all use AJAX.
Continue reading: Using CloudBees for teaching XP practices

Using CloudBees for teaching XP practices

We are doing a course called “Certified Scrum Developer”.  We are of course proud of being one of the few eligible by the Scrum Alliance to hold such a course. But what matters most to us is teaching some modern development practices. The certificate bit is more of a bonus.

Crisp had recently its fifth installment of a code camp, the “Crisp Hack Summit”. It is an occasion for everyone at Crisp to go bananas on some project of their liking. We took the chance to work on the technical platform for the CSD course.  We know from experience that you can loose a lot of valuable lecture time if  the technical environment decides to hassle. Murphy, will you be there?

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Continue reading: Bootstrapping an agile project with continuous deployment using cloudbees

Bootstrapping an agile project with continuous deployment using cloudbees

Starting from scratch, this video demos how to quickly get to a fully agile project setup with continuous deployment. Everything is in the cloud – GIT repo, Jenkins, MongoDB, and the app server. The system deploys automatically with every successful commit. The app itself is minimal, but does have a simple web interface and a

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Continue reading: Detta kan vi på Crisp, vårt tag cloud

Detta kan vi på Crisp, vårt tag cloud

På Crisp har vi skapat ett Google Spreadsheet där varje rad är en teknik eller metod, såsom TDD, Java, JUnit eller Kanban. Sedan har vi en kolumn för varje konsult, där man efter egen bedömning kan skriva siffran 0-5, där 0 betyder att man är helt okunnig, medan Har hört förkortningen, kanske läst en artikel

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