Q: For years now our technical architecture and platform have limited us to use component teams. We are excited by empowered product teams, but because of this setup we experience barriers to getting started. What can we do to change this? Each of our teams is typically responsible for one or a few modules in
Continue readingHow to transform to Empowered Product Teams – FAQ #2
Q: What is the best way to get customers and empowered teams closer so they could understand each other? And keep up with it so it is not a one time thing. In our organization we have done a few experiments with customers, but we have been struggling to make it a regular and deliberate
Continue readingComparison of three strategy alignment frameworks – OKRs, Spotify Rhythm and Art of Action Strategy Briefing
A downloadable version of this article can be found here.
One of the strongest management trends right now in companies striving towards Agile is undoubtedly OKRs, “Objectives and Key Results”.
But how do OKRs stack up against the alternatives when it comes to alignment frameworks? And what are the potential undesirable behaviors that come with them?
That is what I intend to explore in this article.
Continue readingThree Myths About Strategy
Three Myths About Strategy, by Stephen “Art of Action” Bungay.
Continue readingStephen Bungay on Agile Strategy
Last month, we had the pleasure of bringing Stephen Bungay to Crisp in Stockholm to share with us his wisdom and insights on how to use Strategy under uncertain conditions. I find this topic interesting, since the interative nature of Agile can trick management into believing either that they do not need to have a
Continue readingWhat is Crisp?
If you enter the Crisp office you will see these two A3 papers on the wall (click picture for bigger version)
Here is an english translation of these pictures.
The first picture is titled "What is Crisp?". It defines our purpose.
The second picture is titled "Crisp strategy". It defines how the company works and why.
Read on if you are curious about how and why we created these simple A3 pictures, and why it has had such a strong impact on our company.
Continue readingWhat horizon for should I use for a goal?
How long time should there be between goals?
Some make a habit of setting yearly goals. Some set quarterly. Small organisations in a turmoil can set weekly goals.
But what is "just right"?