I’ve survived my first Rocket Day. RD are our seminars at Crisp where we talk for half a day on a subject of choice. Mine was Test Driven Development with Wicket and Mockito.
I chosed to do a live coding performance as I liked to do a very down-to-earth, practical seminar.
The slides are currently in swedish but I will translat them to english. Later. 😉
However, most of you read swedish so I have published them here.
Where is "Here"? 🙂 The link says "javascript:void(0);/*1221768541791*/" now…
Sorry about that. Somehow the links was broken. I do not know why that happens. Ironically is that my example is a blog tool. Jealousy?
Coolt! Det där ser ju himla intressant ut.
Men jag letar förgäver efter ett sätt att kombinera Wicket + Spring + Mockito. Spring + Wicket går ju bra med annoteringar, men att få in dessa @SpringBean-annoterade beroenden WicketTester-sammanhanget. Du hade löst det med att deklarera en tjänst i applikationsklassen? Eller fattar jag fel? Det vore fantastiskt att kunna deklarer t.ex en Mockito-baserad mock och få den injicerad i stället för motsvarande springböna och sedan kunna testa på samma sätt med WicketTester.