Lean from the Trenches – Managing Large-Scale Projects with Kanban

I’ve published another book! This one’s called “Lean from the Trenches“. It is about how we scaled a 60-person project by combing techniques from Kanban, Scrum, and XP. I chose this title because it really it illustrates how to put Lean principles into practice in a software project, especially the notion of an end-to-end Kanban system, divided into tiers to coordinate multiple teams.

We learned a lot during this project and I’m really happy that I found the time to write about it. The book follows the same style as “Scrum and XP from the Trenches“, with 100% focus on real-life experience rather than theory. Lots of pictures and examples as usual.

You can get a hold of the book here, and also participate in a discussion forum.

Any feedback is welcome.

If you’ve read the book and feel like adding a review on amazon then that is greatly appreciated 🙂

6 responses on “Lean from the Trenches – Managing Large-Scale Projects with Kanban

  1. Excellent book – very good guide for those who want to see how it all actually works rather than lots of dry theory,

    I have given out 4 copies of this book at work to the rest of my team.

    Congrats on a job well done 🙂

  2. I was wondering what your take is on the following. How can kanban best be used in a (non-IT) New Product Development process, as a better and lean alternative to traditional Project Planning using Gantt?

    Thank you in advance for your reply,



  3. Glad to be here and look at what you are doing now, because I just finished my look at your book ‘Kanban and Scrum’, that is really a good book to make me have a clear view on Kanban.

    Only one question to you on this book, inside it you category the tasks, like support, project A, etc. in real project, it is hard to do that especially in a small team, so how can do it efficiently rather than depending on capability of individual in one team?



  4. I just ordered this book. I’m looking forward to reading it. I like the idea of reading about a real life practical application of Kanban. I have heard a number of people talk about how great certain processes are and when you ask them about their past success, they don’t have any real world stories of how they applied the process.

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