Webbinar on User Story Mapping

I have finally found the time to create a webbinar from the talk I did for “Från Krav till System 2012” conference about User Story Mapping. I attended the conference in October but managed to catch the flu for the January re-run and had to cancel. So here it is on Vimeo for those who missed it. The webbinar is in swedish (with strong undertones of french), though I would be happy to create an english version if anyone is interested.
Of course without strict time constraints, the talk came out longer than the 40 minuters from the conference. And I have to say that speaking to oneself doesn’t come as natural than addressing an audiance. Next time it may be worth to record the talk directly during the conference…

2 responses on “Webbinar on User Story Mapping

  1. I would like to see the English version as it will be helpful. I am working with a large group that may benefit from using this technique to have a shared understanding and actively managing their work to minimize out of sync dependencies

  2. Hi knowingdoingagile! Thanks for your interest! You are right to want to know more about User Story Mapping. It's a great method to deliver the right thing in time. I will find the time to do an English version in the coming weeks.

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