What is Scrum? (slides from my talk at KTH)

Here are the slides for my talk “What is Scrum?” at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology). It was a guest talk at a course called Projektstyrning. Hoping to inspire young entrepreneurs to plant agile DNA in their companies from the very beginning. Last time I spoke at KTH was 6.5 years ago, that’s when I met the first Spotify team, and I’m really happy to have been able to influence and participate in their journey!

Here are some sample slides from the talk:

What is Scrum? Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 08.20.00 Don't go overboard with agile

11 responses on “What is Scrum? (slides from my talk at KTH)

  1. Good introduction and summary !

    A simple tool that I have found quite useful is http://kanboard.net/
    Compared to Trello ,Kanboard is open source, easy to install on any webhotel with php-support and most of all handles the time aspect in the different columns such as start/stop of a task.

  2. I am a student. I have learned a lot about Agile methodologies from your blog especially from your simple examples and diagrams made me understood agile very clearly. Thanks a lot for doing up a great blog. I hope to always learn something from reading your blog and make full use of information that I have picked up on my school assignments and hopefully in the future for work assignments.

  3. Hi Henrik,
    Thanks for the post. The link to the slides seems to be broken:( I would be interested in them!

  4. Pingback: Scrum – Zappts

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