Bootstrapping an agile project with continuous deployment using cloudbees

Starting from scratch, this video demos how to quickly get to a fully agile project setup with continuous deployment.

Everything is in the cloud – GIT repo, Jenkins, MongoDB, and the app server. The system deploys automatically with every successful commit.

The app itself is minimal, but does have a simple web interface and a database. The idea is that once you get a “walking skeleton” app like this running in the cloud with continuous deployment, you can get user feedback early and often, and evolve more quickly.

The video demonstrates:

  • iterative development with VERY fast feedback loop
  • a dash of TDD
  • continuous deployment via git & jenkins & cloudbees
  • using eclipse tightly integrated with maven, jetty, and git.
  • the basics of mongo DB
  • the basics of java servlet development (I’ve intentionally avoided using a 3rd party web framework, as this setup will work for any web framework).

10 responses on “Bootstrapping an agile project with continuous deployment using cloudbees

  1. Hi

    you have other alternatives for your Software Development Ecosystem. For example, Clinker + Jelastic.

    Clinker provides Continuous Deployment, Continuous Inspection, Project Management, Testing, Automated Doc Generation and Jelastic provides an excellent Deployment Enviroment.


  2. Henrik,

    This is a great video, congrats! Let us know if there is anything you think we should be improving.



    CloudBees, Inc.

  3. This is a grear video, your work inspired me!!! Thank

    System Engineer

  4. Great video Henrik. Sadly, it’s impressive how hard it is to introduce such simple concepts on large organizations.

    Your work is great.

  5. What a great work. I learned a lot of things from this 26 minute video. The services provided by Cloudbees are also great.


  6. U must be kidding that this is agile. We have been working with this tools environment sins mid 90 at ericsson.

    1. Interesting logical implication there. “We have been doing this at Ericsson, therefore it can’t be agile”. Was that really what you meant to say :o)

  7. Pretty cool video, Henrik! You should check out when you get a chance… we’ve been getting lots of people from the Continuous delivery community excited about what we’re doing because it’s flexible enough to allow for instantaneous deployment on commit to a repository, and at the same time allow for nontechnical users to deploy..

    We’re working on integrating with Jenkins and other CI communities for simplicity…

  8. Very inspiring video!

    But I had lots of problems getting a SSH client on command-line working under Windows (7) with Git on Cloudbees. I also couldn’t find a decent guide on how to set that up under Windows.

    After lots of testing of a few SSH-clients, including the one that comes with Git, I settled on using eGit, which appears to be the popular Git plugin for Eclipse. It could generate keys for me and it would of course let me use them as well. It turned out so well I needed neither Git or SSH on the command-line.

    It seems likely you could do all the Maven stuff in Eclipse as well. You show running a Maven goal in Eclipse (in debug mode) later in the video, so that part is certainly possible. Configuring a plugin (jetty) is also possible in the pom.xml at least in text-edit mode and most likely in the Maven POM Editor GUI-tool as well.

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