Crisp's BlogPage 14

from the Crisp Consultants

Continue reading: Alla mjukvaruprojekt borde ha en Kodkvast!

Alla mjukvaruprojekt borde ha en Kodkvast!

– “All kod är en skuld!”
– “Den bästa koden är den kod man inte skriver!”
– “Snabbaste sättet att få upp testtäckningen är att ta bort död kod!”

Jag tror att alla är överens om att det är bra att hålla sin kodbas så liten och kompakt som möjligt. Byggtider hålls korta, testsviter går fort att genomföra, driftsättningar går fort, statisk kodanalys går fort, nya teammedlemmar kommer snabbt in i koden, risken för buggar och sårbarheter hålls nere och så vidare. Kort sagt, man blir mer lättrörlig!

Så alla utvecklingsteam borde ägna tid åt att inte bara skriva ny kod, utan också att faktiskt städa efter sig. Men det är lättare sagt än gjort…
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Continue reading: En guide till Minimum Viable Products

En guide till Minimum Viable Products

Varje produkt börjar med en idé. Det första man behöver göra är att validera den idén och det görs bäst genom att bygga det minsta möjliga som förklarar den idén och gör idén mätbar. Låt oss kalla det den minsta mätbara förhandstitten.

När man mäter så får man data för att kunna avgöra om idén var bra eller inte. Det vi lär oss av att mäta och utvärdera idén kan vi sedan nyttja för att ta nästa steg, såsom en detalj av idén eller en ny idé baserad på den förra, som vi också behöver mäta och utvärdera. Vi vill validera problemet, målgruppen och möjliga lösningar för att vara säkra på att inget lämnas åt slumpen. Detta blir en lärandeprocess baserad på riktiga resultat.Continue reading

Continue reading: Slides from Stop Starting Lean Kanban Nordic 2014

Slides from Stop Starting Lean Kanban Nordic 2014

Had a great day at Stop Starting Start Finishing – Lean Kanban Nordic. It is cool to see how far companies have come in applying Lean in software, especially experimenting with how to tie together the full value chain. Saku Tuominen really challenged us to think make innovation actionable and not put it into a

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Continue reading: Seminarie “Agil Testning”, slides och video

Seminarie “Agil Testning”, slides och video

I tisdags hade jag glädjen att få komma tillbaka till Lantmäteriet i Gävle och återigen hålla ett seminarie. Denna gång var titeln ”Agil Testning – Will automation replace the tester”? Lite vilseledande då ämnet jag täckte var långt mycket vidare än så. Under två timmar pratade bland annat jag om: Contexten som agil testning lever

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Continue reading: Competivation – Motivation through competition

Competivation – Motivation through competition

I assume you are familiar with the old truth that competition spurs motivation and fear; two tremendously powerful mental states. Let me introduce my new concept that leverages both: Competivation.

It comes in two flavors, external competivation and internal competivation. They complement each other and will boost efficiency, and keep everyone on their toes at all times.

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Continue reading: Slides and code for one day Wicket introduction with Ajax

Slides and code for one day Wicket introduction with Ajax

At my current assignment, I needed to get my fellow developers up to speed with Wicket. So I put together a one day course that taught them enough to join in on the work of a current application. Everything is publicly available on GitHub here:

You get a starting plate for a complete web application with database backend accessed through Spring Data JPA. Also, there is a Power Point presentation that guides you through the exercises. Very little is spent on Wicket philosophy and concepts to the benefit of hands on coding.

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Implementing Kanban at Scale

Lotta Olsson and I will present Sandvik IT’s Kanban journey at the Lean Kanban Nordic 2014 conference in Stockholm (a.k.a. “Stop Starting, Start Finishing” conference). Lotta is currently managing the Operational Excellence Support (OpX) unit within Sandvik IT. The OpX is the ‘home’ of Kanban, ITIL and other processes and tools designed to improve the

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Continue reading: Focus – slides from my talk at Projektnäring

Focus – slides from my talk at Projektnäring

Here are the slides for my talk “Focus” at Projektnäring. Great group, lots of energy in the room. Had lots of great conversations with people. Thanks for attending!

Sample pics:

Screen Shot 2014-05-09 at 13.11.23

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Continue reading: A good decision process

A good decision process

A fundamental component for fluid operations is an organization’s ability to solve problems and make decisions. Any change or transformation cannot move faster than it’s ability to make decisions and communicate these. This is key if we realize that living with changes is the future status quo of operations.

Many years ago when I was still at University I got to meat a leader at production facility at Volvo, he asked us,

“How long time does it take from when the management team has made a decision and a worker on the shop floor grasps what this means?”

“Three years”.

Without a doubt, this is way to slow for product development and software. But it puts a finger on the starting point for a normal, traditional company, before any lean or agile transformation begins. So, in order to succeed with a transformation that will challenge existing (often plan based structures) we need a better decision & communication process.

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Continue reading: Slides from Mix-IT

Slides from Mix-IT

Just back from Mix IT in Lyon. A bit rare to visit a French conference so was cool to meet people from the French community and see what they are up to. Some reflections: Saw a cool presentation on Prioritizing portfolios using Cost of Delay by Özlem Yüce. No doubt mr Don had an idea

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Continue reading: Stop-the-line spoken word performance

Stop-the-line spoken word performance

På Agila Sverige 2012 höll jag min första ignite i form av en Majakovski- och Bob Dylan-inspirerad Spoken World performance om hur vi på Polopoly skapade kvalitet genom extremt fokus på automatiserade tester och en stoppa-bandet-kultur. Förra veckan fyllde konsultbolaget Adaptiv 5 år och firade genom att låte en utvald skara Agila Sverige-talare reprisera sina

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An Interview

Being nominated to the Brickell Key Award 2014 has its advantages. One is to travel all the way to San Francisco to attend a ceremony during the Lean Kanban North America Conference. Another is to be interviewed like a rock-start. Here is the result of the interview. Thanks Lean Kanban University and Irina Dzhambazova for

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Continue reading: Testbarhet för utvecklare för SweNug

Testbarhet för utvecklare för SweNug

Idag fick jag gästa SweNug och prata om testbarhet för utvecklare. Presentationen finns på Slideshare.

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Continue reading: Time vs Story Points Estimation

Time vs Story Points Estimation

One of the most common questions we get is whether to estimate in time or points. It seems like points are used only “to avoid thinking about time” and they are essentially the same. Wrong.

Let us give you the travel metaphor to give you an idea about how we are thinking.

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Continue reading: The lean conference of the year – Stop Starting 2014

The lean conference of the year – Stop Starting 2014

Stop Starting Start Finishing . Lean Kanban Nordic 2014

This years Lean Kanban Nordic conference will be something extra. The focus in on improving the full value chain, from concept to cash. You will get an unique opportunities to listen and discuss with practitioners sharing their experience of how they have improved their companies using Lean thinking. For example, learn:

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Continue reading: Learning flow with the Lean Dot Game

Learning flow with the Lean Dot Game

Yesterday we had one of our regularly occurring so called Agile Lunch & Learn in the tribe at Spotify I currently work. We wanted to make the lunch about why it is often better not to work and focus on flow than to maximize your work and focus on resource efficiency. I searched for something in the Crisp bag of games. Pass the pennies – more about big batches. Kanban  tothpicks – to many rounds and variables. Folding envelopes – again more batches. Eventually I found the Lean Dot game.

Result board from a round of the Lean Dot Game
Result board from a round of the Lean Dot Game

What a find! This game will be with me for a long time. The best flow game there is, with extremply simple props: post-it notes and colored dots. You can run it  in an hour and get tons of experiences and stuff to discuss, such as:

  • Why it’s better to slow down
  • Adapt to bottlenecks
  • Batch sizes
  • Little’s law illustrated
  • Waste and inventory
  • Customer collaboration
  • In process testing
  • And more, and more, and more…

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Continue reading: Why you are better off using a developer than a lawyer when purchasing software

Why you are better off using a developer than a lawyer when purchasing software

The use of traditional contracts when purchasing software carry a flawed assumption – thinking the contract is the right mean to regulate risk.

The insight is key risks are : skill of the provider, the maturity of the client (yes you!) and ability to communicate honestly during the project. Few of these are effectively regulated using traditional contracts focusing on features, time and money.

Which are the key risks when purchasing software?

  • Lack of provider skill
  • Lack of customer maturity
  • Lack of ability to utilize late learning
  • A one time shot to get any IT updates in my environment
  • I win, you loose approach – no shared economic incentive
  • Lack of communication, during execution

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Continue reading: Spotify Engineering Culture (part 1)

Spotify Engineering Culture (part 1)

Here’s a short animated video describing Spotify’s engineering culture (also posted on Spotify’s blog). See also Part 2. This is a journey in progress, not a journey completed, and there’s a lot of variation from squad to squad. So the stuff in the video isn’t all true for all squads all the time, but it appears

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Continue reading: Crisp consensus model 2.1

Crisp consensus model 2.1

Our consensus signs, by Jimmy Janlén
Our consensus and meeting signs, by Jimmy Janlén

At Crisp we try to use consensus when making important decisions. Why do we do that?

Crisp is a very flat company. Most of us have no boss and report to no one. Basically you can be part of Crisp in two ways: either you have your own firm and have a partner contract with Crisp (all consultants have this) or you are employed by Crisp (administrative personnel). Crisp is owned by most (but not all) of the members/partners. The owners have, however, renounced their right to run the company (from all but legal necessities). This means that the company is run by all partners and employees with an equal vote each. We no longer have a CEO and we elect our board. This means we have to have good ways of making decisions together. And consensus is a very good way of making decision in a flat group like ours.

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Continue reading: Det går nu att anmäla sig till TDD-eventet!

Det går nu att anmäla sig till TDD-eventet!

Tidigare kollade jag om det fanns intresse att hälsa på hos oss på Crisp och utbyta erfarenheter kring TDD. Efter att ett flertal hade visat intresse har vi nu schemalagt eventet till den 6:e maj. Anmälan är öppen! Ni som visade intresse genom att kommentera det första blogginlägget ombedes att anmäla er via eventets sida.

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Continue reading: Lean UX & Agil UX – modern användbarhetsmetodik

Lean UX & Agil UX – modern användbarhetsmetodik

Grunden i traditionell User Experience (UX, användarens upplevelse av en produkt) består av iterativa användarstudier och interaktionsdesign under krav- och designfaserna, för att säkerställa att produkten kommer att uppfylla användarnas behov och ha god användbarhet. Vi ser till att ta reda på vad vi ska bygga innan vi börjar bygga det. Det finns två huvudsakliga problem med det här (som båda beror på vattenfallsmetodikens inbyggda brister). Dels överlämnas resultatet av arbetet i krav- och designfaserna till utvecklarna i stora och svårförståeliga dokument, ofta bestående av flödesscheman och annoterade wireframes som inte speglar den tekniska verkligheten. Detta rent felaktiga sätt att bygga en produkt leder ofta till att man i slutändan bygger fel produkt. Dels sker oftast leveransen av produkten till slutanvändarna långt senare än det var tänkt och då har marknadsläget vanligtvis ändrats, vilket också innebär att fel produkt levereras.

Agila metoder löser problemet med att leverera produkten snabbt nog. Lean Startup (innovationsdriven produktutveckling) löser problemet med att marknadsläget ändras genom att fokusera på affärsmålen genom hela utvecklingscykeln. Inget av dessa paradigm är dock användarcentrerade. För att möta detta problem har två tankesätt utkristalliserats:

  • Lean UX, där vi ser till att bygga rätt produkt genom kontinuerlig validering mot affärsmålen av det vi bygger just nu och starkt fokus på att lösa användarnas problem
  • Agil UX, där vi ser till att bygga produkten på rätt sätt genom kontinuerligt samarbete runt det vi bygger just nu och fokus på leveransmålen

Venn-diagram över UX, Lean UX och Agil UXContinue reading

Continue reading: MOVE! Don’t. Sit. Still.

MOVE! Don’t. Sit. Still.

“Rörelse trumfar stillasittande” är den första och viktigaste av de sex principerna för lärande från Sharon Bowmans bok “Using Brain Science to Make Training Stick”.  Att bli certifierad Training From the back of the Room lärare var en resa med många steg och moment. En av uppgifterna bestod av att göra en presentation. Jag valde

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Continue reading: A bug is just an unwritten test that failed

A bug is just an unwritten test that failed

In the first week of March I attended two Spotify unconferences about Continuous Deliver and Quality (which I also had the pleasure to facilitate). I am amazed on how many we were (people had flown in from a lot of other places), the energy in the room, the quality of the discussions, and the massive

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Continue reading: Why I prefer ToDo over Trello for agile teams

Why I prefer ToDo over Trello for agile teams

The Gist

  • ToDo has a flow. It knows about cycle times and about being DONE. Trello does not.
  • ToDo has Planning Poker Estimates. Trello does not have any estimates.
  • ToDo has automatic burn up charts. Trello does not.
  • ToDo has swim lanes which groups cards by your dimensions. Trello does not.
  • ToDo has Work-In-Progress limits. Trello does not.
  • ToDo has upgrade possibilities to the full tool set of Projectplace. Trello has a bunch of plugins from different vendors of various quality.
Swimlanes on a ToDo board
Swimlanes on a ToDo board

Already convinced? Sign up for ToDo by Projectplace! Want to know more? Read on.

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Continue reading: Keynote slides from my Passion for Projects keynote

Keynote slides from my Passion for Projects keynote

Here are the slides for my Passion for Projects keynote Spotify – the unproject culture (+ failure story “How to burn €1 billion”).

So, now I’ve spent 2 days with 600 projects managers at a PMI conference. Totally different from the usual crowds I hang out with. Fascinating to hear stories about project management successes and failures in all kinds of industries – from warzone reconstruction projects to eurovision song contest.

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3 years of Kanban at Sandvik IT: Sustaining Kanban in the Enterprise

Here comes the second article in the Kanban at Sandvik IT series on InfoQ. Based on the experience from Sandvik IT, I try to answer the question “How to engineer kanban systems to be sustainable and resilient despite the constant level of changes in today’s Enterprise?“. This article is somewhat more complex and deeper than

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Continue reading: Brickell Key Award Nominee!

Brickell Key Award Nominee!

I have just got the amazing news that I am one of the 6 nominees for this year’s Brickell Key Award! I am really humbled by the fact that you guys out there voted for me. The Brickell Key Award has been awarded to people that I look up to in the Kanban community like,

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Continue reading: Delagardrivet och upplevelsebaserat lärande

Delagardrivet och upplevelsebaserat lärande

I juni kommer min kollega Jimmy Janlén och jag hålla kurs i deltagardrivet och upplevelsebaserat lärande. Vill vi hjälpa andra att upptäcka och praktisera sätt att skapa sant engagerande och lärande undervisning, presentationer och workshops. Kanske slipper ni då mina egen långa resa bort från katedern.

Kort med verktyg och upplägg från Training from the Back of the Room
Kort med verktyg och upplägg från Training from the Back of the Room

Så vitt jag minns det var jag 24, kanske 25 år. Jag och min vän Göran hade blivit inbjudna att hålla föredrag inför en större samling människor. Det hade jag aldrig gjort förut. Visst var jag van att prata inför andra människor, från seminarierna på universitetet till redaktionsmötena på vår lilla tidsskrift, men inte att hålla tal. Jag gjorde det som kändes säkrast. Jag skrev ett tal och läste sedan upp det.

Förutom att det tog jättelång tid att skriva talet, så kändes det inte bra att stå där och läsa rakt upp och ner. Visst försökte jag läsa med inlevelse och dramatik, ungefär som när man läser högt för barnen, men det kändes ändå inte bra. Höll inte åhörarna på att somna? Lärde de sig alls något? Det går att trollbinda en publik med högläsning, om man berättar en riktigt bra historia. Göran var bra på det, men inte jag. Något behövde jag göra annorlunda.

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Continue reading: Role Expectation Mapping

Role Expectation Mapping

Role Expectation Mapping is a series of workshop that explores, clarifies and establishes which expectations members of a group, team or project have on each other.

If you suspect that collaboration is undermined because of mismatch of expectations between people, then this exercise could boost the team’s ability to collaborate efficiently together. It is also a powerful way to jump start a new team and give them a structure to relate to.


People always have certain expectations on each other, behaviors, responsibilities, etc., but if those aren’t made clear and agreed upon among everyone – you are bound to have unconstructive conflicts, colliding agendas, difficulties in collaboration and things that fall between chairs.

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Continue reading: Coaching questions for a kanban team

Coaching questions for a kanban team

Kanban is easy to set up,  maintaining and improving is harder! When I visit a kanban team, I use these questions to check they know what they are doing. They are helpful since they are not tool focused, rather verifies that there is a  tactic being used. After each question I add “please show it

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